Original Game

Animal Vitas

Created by Spartanfox

Animal Vitas — Screenshot 1
Animal Vitas — Screenshot 2
Animal Vitas — Screenshot 3

Open world game where you build a town and make it look fancy

Make friends or enemies with the villagers

Gather resources and trade with others or craft them into new items

Explore the caves and maybe not die

Make your house extra fancy and invite people over

Version history

  • v2.1 (Sep 22, 2023) — Added apples. Download.
  • v2.0 (Sep 22, 2023) — Added new items, fixed bugs. Download.
  • v1.0 (Sep 12 2023) — initial release. Download.

Installation instructions

Do vpk like any other vpk

About the author

A person who squirts out a game or two and then disappears for a few years